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igor tudor中文是什么意思

用"igor tudor"造句"igor tudor"怎么读"igor tudor" in a sentence


  • 伊戈尔图多尔


  • Juventus defender igor tudor is set to move to the premiership this summer
  • Juventus and igor tudor have agreed to continue on until the end of this season
  • The bianconeri may also include the jonathan zebina or igor tudor in part exchange
  • Igor tudor will join former club hajduk split in the summer after revealing that he will not renew his contract with juventus
  • Croatian defender igor tudor is being offered to clubs in the bundesliga , and it would appear that borussia dortmund look set to renew their interest in him
  • After a year and an half on loan with siena , igor tudor is back in bianconeri colours and ready to give his all : “ i ' m highly motivated and very proud to part of this squad again
    被租借到锡耶那一年半之后,伊戈尔.图多尔又重新穿上了黑白色的战袍,并且准备付出他的一切: “我很激动,很骄傲能再次回到这里。
用"igor tudor"造句  
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